Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Cure Yeast Infections !

Find out  below how you can cure your yeast infection ! 


Vaginal yeast infections - The Facts!!!

These days vaginal yeast infections send more women to the doctor not only a cause other.It's sad but many women have to keep going back to the doctor because the infection returns. If you consider yourself one of these women, we know that you are ready to do anything to avoid another.

Recent research shows that the incidence of vaginal yeast infections has doubled over the last 20 years, possibly because of changes in lifestyle, environmental changes, or mutations in the yeast organism itself.
Nobody knows for sure.

However most of us are only aware of yeast when we get a vaginal infection, many persons don't realize that over 9,999 people in the USA die each year from fungal infections caused by the same organism that makes our crotches itch and burn.

The yeast, which is for vaginal infections and oral thrush a tiny fungus called Candida albicans.
A yeast infection is caused by a form of Candida yeast other than the common C.
->These yeasts include C.
->dubliniensi and C.
The test can be done to determine what type of yeast as a result of infection, but fungal infections other than Candida albicans are rare.

The most common type of fungal infection in humans (Candida) can lead to serious health problems for some people.
For people with weak immune systems yeast infection can be fatal so any woman who gets the symptoms of a yeast infection while receiving chemotherapy treatment for cancer should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Yeast infections has four common causes:

1- Changing hormone balances, (due to pregnancy, hormone replacement therapy during menopause, and oral contraceptives), can create the right conditions for a yeast infection.

2-The balance of power between bacteria and yeast is disturbed.
Bacteria help us, the yeast under control, so that when the bacteria are killed, a yeast population can explode out of control.

During illness if you use antibiotics, this can happen.
A diet high in refined sugar and change other carbohydrates also the balance, promoting the growth of yeast and inhibit the growth of bacteria.
This imbalance can lead to a yeast infection in the mouth or vagina.

3-Chronic fungal infections is a symptom of serious underlying disease such as diabetes, thyroid disease, leukemia or AIDS.If your yeast infection keeps coming back, ask your doctor for a complete exam to rule out any underlying cause.Unfortunately, the symptoms of vaginal yeast infections are very similar to other conditions caused by bacteria and parasites.

4- Last ->Yeast infections can also occur when the patient's immune system is compromised by an HIV infection, chemotherapy or radiation treatment, Lyme disease or organ transplant.
Steroids can also slow down the immune response and thus to take for a yeast infection.

While yeast infections are not usually dangerous in women with intact immune systems, a bacterial infection can cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs, and must be treated promptly.
That is why it is so important to get a medical diagnosis, even if you had a yeast infection first.
It's also the reason why you should be very careful before treating an infection on your own - up to two-thirds of the women who purchase over-the counter medications for yeast infections actually have a bacterial infection instead, and the anti-fungal medication won't do any good.
In fact, using anti-fungal medication if it is not necessary to deal with possible future yeast infections, severe.

Worse, some "natural" cures for yeast infections that you find on the Internet can actually push a bacterial infection up into your uterus and fallopian tubes, where it can cause permanent damage.That's why, it is important to learn as much as vaginal yeast infections and other types of conditions that look the same, but they must be treated differently.

Yeast Infection Symptoms & More

Yeast infections are very common just like they are annoying . 75% of women will get at least one yeast infection in their lifetime, 45% will get more than one, and then some women suffer from chronic yeast infections. The fungus called Candida albicans is the cause for yeast infections.In the vagina, yeast is always present but a problem is an overgroth of yeast.Yeast is a fungus that is usually harmless always in the vagina, digestive tract and mouth in small amounts, but when an imbalance occurs, multiplied by the yeast, whereby an excessive growth and results in a yeast infection.

Some symptoms:

->vaginal itching
->discharge that is usually thick and white
->painful urination
->pain during and after intercourse

Yeast infections have many possible causes.Simply taking an antibiotic can result in a yeast infection.This happens because in addition to destroying the bacteria that cause disease, antibiotics, kills <good> bacteria found in the vagina. Without this necessary bacteria yeast cells can take over and grow out of control.
Other possible reasons for wearing tight clothing use, especially underwear, showers, feminine sprays, which causes humidity, uncontrolled diabetes and pregnancy. Yeast infections that dont seem to go away even with the medicated treatments are usually a sign of a more serious underlying medical condition such as diabetes or a poor immune system.
In some cases, women diagnosed with diabetes are the the first to show yeast infection symptoms.

Pregnant women are especially prone to develop yeast infections because pregnancy changes the hormonal and chemical balance in the body.Yeast infections can be difficult to handle during pregnancy and some pregnant women experience recurrent yeast infections.

Fatigued women or who suffer from stress/illness as well as a poor diet are more likely to get yeast infections.

To prevent yeast infections, women can :
a->Eat a healthy diet !
b->Avoid nylon underwear and wear loose clothing and underwear made of cotton !
c->Keep the external vaginal area clean and dry!
d->Avoid irritating soaps and vaginal sprays and perfumes!
e->Change pads and tampons frequently!
f->If you have diabetes, keep a stable blood sugar level!
g->Only take antibiotics as prescribed by your doctor and never longer!
h->Do not douche!

Once a woman has had a vaginal yeast infection, she will easily recognize the embarrassing yeast infection symptoms.
We have many <over-the-counter treatments> for yeast infections that can be easily purchased in stores.
The treatments are usually anti fungal creams which,before bedtime, are inserted into the vagina.
Some treatments are 1 day treatment, while others up to a week or more.If the treatment is short, the cost will be high.When pregnant, women should consult their doctor using any medication.

Also, we have completely natural ways to cure yeast infections !

<Over-the-counter medicated treatments> cures the majority of yeast infections, however they can be only temporary treatments.
Yeast infections may come back even worse than before.
Many people who use natural treatments report never having another yeast infection again.
This is probably due to natural, holistic methods to listen to your body and get to the root of the problem, while the creams temporarily kill candida in the vagina, which is always present in the body in any case.

The key to your success in eliminating yeast infections is working with your body by stopping the internal cause of Yeast Infection while maintaining that inner natural balance where Yeast Infection ceases to exist.